So, about that good news...

You don't have to lift a finger, we can do all the legwork for you. Once upon a time, in order to get your business out there, you could employ an in-house marketing person and they could learn everything they needed to know. If you were really serious about your marketing, you could pay a small marketing team, or even a digital marketer to figure all this marketing jazz out, so you can get to what you actually started a business to do.

Or you would hire a marketing consultant or agency and they would then give you a whole pile more work to do to supply them with content so they could market your RtO for you!

Now, these days, the market has vastly expanded and diversified. Every different aspect of course marketing is a science in itself, with skills that change wildly from year to year, and it’s simply no longer possible for just one person to fill all these rapidly changing roles. You'd need to hire a graphic designer, an SEO person, a Google AdWords specialist, a Facebook ads strategist, a data analyst, a media buyer, a copywriter, a content writer, a video producer, a branding expert, a PR agency, and who knows what else in the future. There has to be a better way, right? Well...


We can select and set up customised campaigns for you! Our first step is a complimentary review of your current student attraction strategies. From there, we will find the ‘low hanging fruit’ for you - where are the least-cost opportunities to rapidly increase your enrolment numbers, maybe even without increasing your marketing budget?

Once we've identified the best approach for you, we can set up and manage it for you and you can run your RTO. We don't lock you in to contracts, if you want to take the management of our systems back in house, we can train your people and they can take it over. But we know that you will be so happy with the profits our programs make for you you will want to keep working with us.  We can even run a pilot project for you, to show its appeal, and measure the return on your investment.